Microbiological Analysis
The Microbiology division at Glarc undertakes quality inspection and analysis for industries associated with raw and processed food, water, and allied industries, specializing in Testing of Pharmaceuticals in Delhi and Testing of Microbiology Analysis. The lab is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and experienced scientists. The lab provides the following services.
Thrust Areas:
- Detection of Pathogens
- Enumeration of Spoilage Micro-Flora
- Bacterial Enterotoxins
- Disinfection Efficacy
- Preservative Efficacy
- Sterility Testing and Bio-Burden Analysis
- Microbiological Monitoring of Indoor Air
- Antimicrobial efficacy of water purification devices/filters
- Escherichia coli
- Escherichia coli O157
- Vibrio cholera
- Vibrio parahaemolyticus
- Pathogenic streptococci
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Legionella
- Clostridium perfringens
- Bacillus cereus
- Salmonella
- Shigella
- Listeria monocytogenes
Microorganisms are ubiquitous in nature. Quality and shelf life of any product depends on presence, and nature of microorganisms contained in it. Under favourable conditions these micro organisms proliferate and result in loss of product quality. Microbiological monitoring is an essential part of quality control. Glarc plays an important role in testing of spoilage micro flora.
- Standard Plate Count
- Coliform / Faecal Coliforms
- Psychrophilic and Thermophilic
- Aerobic and Anaerobic Spore Formers
- Rope Spore Count
- Anaerobic Bacteria
- Sulphite Reducing Bacteria
- Sulphur and Iron Bacteria
- Yeast and Moulds
- Heat Resistant Mould
- Proteolytic and Lipolytic Bacterial Count
Bacteria produce Enterotoxins as a part of their metabolic activities. Some of them are heat-labile while others are heat stable in nature. Even severe food processing treatments cannot eradicate these toxicants and may result in food intoxication. Glarc undertakes testing of the following Enterotoxins in food and food products by ELISA method.
- Bacillus cereus Diarrheal Enterotoxins
- Staphylococcal Enterotoxins
Sterility is a mandatory requirement for all injectables, ophthalmic preparations and surgical devices. Sterility test is conducted in accordance with various pharmacopoeias viz. IP, USP, BP etc. Following products are tested.
- Parenteral Preparations (Injectables)
- Non-parenteral Preparations (Ophthalmic)
- Mechanical Contraceptives
- Surgical Dressings and Devices
- Vaccines
In addition to acceptance tests for the installation of clean rooms in production facilities, routine monitoring also plays a vital role. These measurements help monitor clean rooms as well as production facilities during operation. Glarc offers a broad range of monitoring services for clean rooms, and can also provide customized hygiene-monitoring programs catering to your needs.
Services Include
- Checking personal hygiene, determination of microbiological exposure on clothes and hands of production personnel
- Testing the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection measures during operation and at the end of production
- Microbiological tests on individual process media (air, water, technical gases)
- Determination of bacterial count in the air under all operating conditions
- Testing surfaces, consumables and primary packaging
- Microbiological qualification of production facilities after installation, reconstruction, standstill etc.
- Cleaning validation
Filters that are used for water purification and are based on various technologies like UV-disinfection, ozonization, ion exchange, nanotechnology and membrane filtration. Glarc has the facility to check its anti bacterial efficacy against a number of challenge organisms like E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Micrococcus luteus. Viricidal performance evaluation is done by Coliphage MS2 as per the US EPA guideline.
In pharmaceutical, herbal and cosmetic formulations, various anti-microbial substances are added to arrest microbial activity and extend shelf life of the products. The effectiveness of these substances is evaluated as per USP protocols. Selection of challenge micro-organisms includes gram positive and gram negative bacteria, spore formers, yeast and fungi.
Phenolic and non-phenolic type of disinfectants are tested for their germicidal value as per national and international protocols.
Test Methods:
As per all national and international methods like FDA-BAM, APHA, BIS, ASTM, AOAC, Conventional Methods, Customer Specific Methods.