Microbiological Testing

The examination of microscopic organisms inside of food is known as the Microbiological testing of food. These organisms may be with a single or multiple cell, or without a cell. Microbiology further includes several sub-disciplines such as Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology and Virology. Microorganism play a vital role in our surrounding environment as all plants, animals and humans consist of them. Moreover, they make up principal mass of living components on earth.

These diversified and varied living organisms, which are often a focus during testing of pharma products, are able to grow even in extreme conditions where no other living organism can survive. They can grow naturally at boiling point temperatures as well as in extreme freezing conditions such as -20 degrees or -30 degrees.

Microbial pathorgens, like Archaea and Bacteria, commonly known as prokaryotes and several type of protozoa, Fundi etc., which are known as eukaryotes must be taken care of well, as they can be harmful to an extent.

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